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Our Unix/Linux trainers are highly talented and well experienced trainers we offer the Unix/Linux Online Course in a true global setting.
What is Unix/Linux?
ssh, ls, pwd, cd, cp, rm, mv
Using the Command Line
mkdir, nano, cat, head, tail, less, clear, grep, sort, uniq, man, >, |, ssh-keygen
Operating System Organization
chmod, find, locate
Your Own Copy of Linux
make, apt-get
Programming in Linux
awk, sed
gcc, sh
Programming & Scripting
Configuring the System
uname, users, finger, alias, ps, top, kill, mount, df, du
Subversion Control and Advanced Topics
emacs, vim
svn, tar, screen, nohup, disown, nice, cron, whereis, which, diff, scp, rsync
UNIX Networking Basics
Security Issues and Traffic Monitoring
Network Connections and WWW
Review and all the others
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