Get trained in one of the hottest technologies and fastest growing job market in the work. Everyone is going mobile get to learn mobile application development and earn 100K salaries.
Our faculty includes instructors from top web development companies with 10+ years of experience in Mobile development. Our classes are conducted in class and also online here in Houston.
Call us today 419-408-3178
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iOS Developers training in Houston:
Course content:
1. The iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK)The Software Development Kit (SDK)
Frame works
Cocoa Touch
Foundation Framework
The iPhone Frameworks
2. Objective-C
Objective-C Classes and Objects
The @interface and @implementation Compiler Directives
Method Declaration and Definition
Nested Arguments
Class and Instance Methods
The alloc and init Methods
Managing Memory Using Retain and Release.
Properties, Retain, Assign, Copy.
Multiple-Argument Messages
Understanding the id Variable type
Categories & Protocols.
3. UI Application and UI Application Delegate
Adding a UIView and UIViewController to a UIApplicationDelegate
Connecting UIWindow, UIApplication, and UIApplicationDelegate
Try This: Exploring MainWindow.xib
UIApplication and UIApplicationDelegate
The main.m file
Handling Application Life Cycle Events.
4. UIView and UIViewController
The UIView Class
The UIViewController Class
View-based Application Template
IBoutlet and IBAction
Using a View-based Application Template
5. iOS and itunes Controls
Text Fields
Web View
Image View
Segmented Control
Date picker
Alerts & Action Sheets
Page Controller
6. Basic NS Classes
NSString, NSObject
NSArray, NSMutable Array
NSDictionary, NSMutable Dictionary
Other etc important classes
7. Tables Using UITableView and UITableViewController
UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource
Adopting the UITableViewDelegate and
8. UINavigationBar and UINavigationController
UINavigationBar, UINavigationController, and UINavigationItem
Try This: Building a Three-View Application Using a Navigation Bar
Adding Another View
Try This: Duplicating the Utility Application
More on the UINavigationController
Pushing and Popping
Try This: Using a Navigation Controller in a Tab
9. UITabBar and UITabBarController
UITabBar, UITabBarController, UITabBarItem, and UITabBarControllerDelegate
Using the Tab Bar Application Template
Adding a Tab Bar Item to a Tab Bar Application
Allowing Users to Customize a Tab Bar
10. XML Parsing
11. Web Services
12. Core Data
Core Data in brief
Creating Core Data Model
Entites, Attributes, Relationships
Generating NSManaged Object
Adding Objects
Saving Changes
Fetching Entities
Deleting Entities
13. SQLite
Creating DataBase using simple firefox SQLite Manager
SQL Database Manipulations
Opening the DataBase
Statements, Preparing Statements, executing statements
14. Multimedia
Playing Sounds AVAudioPlayer, AVAudioPlayerDelegate
Media Player Framework MPMoviePlayer Controller
15. Core Plot (Bar Graph’s) & Core Graphics Introduction.
16. Google Maps & Annotations Introduction.
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