Verity Solutions

SuccessFactors Company Settings overview

Update Company Logo
This feature in the company setting is used to upload Company logo by choosing the respective file from the desired location.

Text Replacement
This feature is used replace the default text with a different name as per the needs of the organization.

SFAPI Audit / Data Dictionary
SuccessFactors Application Program Interface helps in the process of interacting with other systems from the different modules of SF which includes calibration, succession, goal, job code, requisition, performance management etc.

Rating Scales
Rating scales can be designed for the performance of employees with a pre-built rating scales of 1-3, 1-5, 1-7 or there is also option to create a new rating scale as per the requirement.

Org Chart Configuration
Org chart can be configured on selecting the display of photo, portrait photos, hiding manage matrix, setting fields for succession org chart & position org charts

Theme Manager
Theme manager is used to create themes & choosing from the selection criteria for the specific areas where it can be displayed, giving description & setting as default if needed.

Manage Route Maps
Route Maps are the workflow for documents or forms to different levels of organization either through templates from the library or creating one based on the company specifics. The start and end dates can be provided for completing the forms. There are stages of approval known as iterations or single approvals with employee/manager signatures are provided as final steps for completing this process. The stages of approval can also be modified by moving the tiles.

Manage Home Page
Home page tiles can be customized for default & available settings on each of the tile displayed on home page. There are several other settings to manage job profiles, route maps, data, email notifications, file storage, company logo etc.
Manage Job Profile – Import/Export/Profile Templates
Job profiles content can be created or by selected from the library for the required competency, education, job responsibility, industry, skills, certification etc. There are sub classifications that can be given based on the specific category, group, proficiency level as needed for the job postings. Job profiles contents could be imported from the source file. There are also templates that could be setup for the job profile.

Goal Management
This functionality describes on the process of setting goals by an organization. Typically there is one goal plan that is created for a fiscal year by the company & the different goals are added to this goal plan. The admin has the following capabilities in goal management. Goal plans could be imported/exported from the library or by creating a new template for basic or extended goal plans. There are performance review templates that can be created for the goal plans for annual reviews with objectives, core competencies & job specific competency sections. There are settings to enable/disable goal management features. In the front-end for goal plans there are settings to create goals under a new goal plan. The new goals could be cascaded or aligned based on the employee hierarchy and mass assigned as needed. The display settings can be controlled for the alignment to different staff, alerts, dates, percentage completion & status. The status reports & execution maps of the defined goals are also tracked.
Role Based Permissions
Role based permissions can be configured for assigning users with the required access as granted by the organization. The steps are as follows for creating RBP for Managers as an example:

  1. Create group for managers
  2. Create role for manager
  3. Grant the manager role to the manager group
  4. The permissions are tested by logging in as manager & verifying if the concerned manager is not able to view his own name/profile in the org chart